Mental Health Ministry
The image of Jesus walking with His disciples on the Road to Emmaus embodies the goal of our ministry to accompany those who come to us on their journey to a fuller life.
“For the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee “fear not” I will help thee.” - Isaiah 41:13
If you or your loved one feel unsafe or are experiencing a mental health emergency, CALL 911 and indicate that it is a mental health emergency.
If you or your loved one need someone to talk to during a mental health crisis, CALL 988, the suicide and crisis lifeline.
Did you know...
1 in 5 adults are experiencing a mental health challenge, over 50 million Americans.
16 % of youth reportedly suffer from at least one major depressive episode in the last year. 60% of those do not receive treatment.
30% of adults report feeling lonely on a weekly basis
Our Mission
To provide lay support, education and awareness to our parish community on issues related to mental health. We seek to break down the social stigma surrounding mental health challenges, provide information, local resources, educational and spiritual support.
Team members will not function in a professional capacity and do not provide services that can only be offered by medical, psychology or social work practitioners.
Our goal is to work to eliminate the stigma and discrimination that people living with mental illness encounter in the church and in human society.
We strive to provide hospitality, nonjudgmental listening and spiritual accompaniment.
What is Mental Health?
Mental health is a state of well-being where one is able to engage in and sustain healthy supportive relationships, where one realizes the ability to cope with the normal stresses of life and the ability to work productively and fruitfully while contributing to society. It is the state of complete wellness and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.
What is a Mental Health Challenge?
A mental health challenge happens when usual resources and strategies for coping with life’s stressors are no longer sufficient. This can occur due to a particular situation of from daily life stressors. This can also happen when someone is battling depression, anxiety, substance abuse and other mental health condition.
Holy Name Mental Health Ministers are trained in mental health first aid to:
Assess Risk
Listen nonjudgmentally
Give reassurance
Encourage professional help
Encourage self-help strategies
Connect individuals to community support
This Ministry Provides Practical Support, Spiritual Companionship, and Education.
Practical Support
Ministry members share resources available to families and individuals in the local community. They are available to accompany them as they navigate and connect with those resources. Mental health ministry team members will not function in a professional capacity and do not provide services that can only be offered by medical, psychology, or social work practitioners.
Spiritual Companionship
Individual ministry team members are available to meet and confidentially talk with those individual and families needing support. When sufficient numbers of those receiving support elect to meet as a group, a support gathering may be offered. When scheduled, group gatherings will offer opportunities for prayer, education, refreshment and socializing.
The ministry team provides mental health educational opportunities for the larger parish community on a regular basis. Requests for information about mental illness can be directed to any ministry team member. Ministry team leaders are available to consult with the parish clergy, staff, and lay leaders on matters related to mental health awareness. Special attention will be given to assisting those parish leaders who relate to youth.
Tips for Self Care and Spiritual Strength
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness:
it is one more way to give self care.
Short, Two-word Prayers for Peace
O God,
Calm me, quiet me, settle me.
Steady me, balance me, ground me.
Plant me, root me, embed me.
Support me, sustain me, protect me.
Forgive me, pardon me, free me.
Refresh me, restore me, heal me.
Enfold me, embrace me, hold me.
Lord, hear my prayer today.
A Companion Covenant
We are called to learn the ways that make for mental and emotional
wellbeing. We commit ourselves to be a home where all may grow in
body, mind, heart, and spirit. We welcome the neighbor who is
vulnerable and isolated. As we are able, we share the journey of healing
and recovery and help to build a caring, community, nation and world.
Please use this form to get in touch with one of our mental health ministers. While all shared information will be handled with discretion, please do not send any confidential information via this form.